Customer Experience is a constant challenge in organizations

En la foto de izquierda a derecha: Alejandro Pinzón, Presidente Smart Data & Automation; Gabriel Gómez, Vicepresidente exportaciones 4.0 ProColombia; Verónica Echeverri Villa, Gerente de exportaciones de Industrias 4.0 ProColombia; y Juan Manuel Grau, Vicepresidente de Estrategia e Innovación de Fundación delamujer.
Did you know that 35% of people agree to stay on digital channels as long as they are faster than others? It is for this reason that most companies invest in digital interaction with their customers in order to meet the changing needs of customers and improve their capabilities.


The consumption and communication trends of users have changed in recent years. As users, we expect immediate responses, reliability, and innovation in our product or service experiences.

Did you know that 35% of people agree to stay on digital channels as long as they are faster than others? It is for this reason that most companies invest in digital interaction with their customers in order to meet the changing needs of customers and improve their capabilities.

In this evolution, users face thousands of daily communications from multiple companies offering their products or services through different channels. The biggest challenge for companies is to ensure that their communications and experiences with their value proposition are memorable, generating value and impact for users and making them stay because they feel in love with the brand.

Chatbots can generate memorable experiences for your customers!

Chatbots are a trend in organizations to provide their customers with channels where they can perform different tasks such as purchasing, requesting technical support, registering complaints, paying bills, receiving information and advertising, among many other activities, at any time of the day and through the channel they use the most.

Nowadays, many companies use chatbots, but having the tool does not guarantee success. Here are some tips Smart Data & Automation to provide a memorable customer experience through a chatbot:

  1. Knowing the user: Understanding the user’s needs is key. Understanding their needs, knowing their consumption preferences, age range, social stratum, region where they live, among other characteristics is extremely critical. This will help you establish the communication language you will use in different channels.
  2. Personalization of the experience: Did you know that approximately 66% of users abandon a brand if their experience is not personalized? We implement campaigns with personalized messages to generate closeness with the user, trust, and loyalty to the brand. Personalization is essential!
  3. Being accessible: We must offer multiple channels – omnichannel – that allow customers to choose the channel that works best for them. It is essential to be available at the moment and place where customers need it. It is important to making them feel close!
  4. Interactive Experience: Ease, speed, and closeness of interaction through buttons, drop-down lists, video, images, GIFs, emoticons, stickers, among others. Remember that plain text is out of fashion!
  5. Make sure your chatbots integrate with your website, mobile application, and other support channels. All touchpoints should be integrated, easy to use, and consistent with the information being communicated. This generates confidence in the brand!
  6. Security and trust: Security is very significant. We must establish secure processes that guarantee data privacy, to give the customer confidence in the tool to conduct their transactions and all their processes.
  7. Training with Artificial Intelligence: Understanding and responding to customer inquiries like a human. For this, at Smart Data & Automation, we use NLP – Natural Language Processing – to provide precise answers so that the conversation feels more natural. Today we have trained chatbots that understand and respond to more than 90% of customer interactions.
  8. Human agent attention: Offering the possibility for the user to be assisted by a human agent improves the efficiency and quality of your brand’s service. We integrate chatbots into a platform where a human agent can respond to user interactions on different channels simultaneously.
  9. Continuously improving: Customer expectations evolve constantly. Improve the experience by using the collected information. The more you aim to surprise and improve your customer service, the broader community you can create!

Chatbots as an ally for your brand

Chatbots are part of the digital ecosystem that can be used to create memorable customer experiences. To ensure the success of this ecosystem, it is essential to consolidate ourselves as a brand. Here are some tips that have worked for some of our clients:

  1. Authentic brands! Without a spirit or personality of its own, a company will struggle to stand out and connect with its customers. The most significant thing is to know your brand, identify as an organization what language you will use, which communication channels align with your organizational culture, and which processes should be automated.
  2. Exceptional products and services: Having value offerings that generate differentials for customers, according to their needs. It is essential that your products and services generate value for your customers and exceed their expectations.
  3. Developing long-term trust relationships: As we all know, trust is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. A customer must trust the value proposition we offer and feel that we will always be there to help.
  4. Surprise the customer with your value proposition: Generate innovative proposals for processes, channels, and/or characteristics of products or services to improve their experience. Always remember that monotony breaks relationships, so maintaining a sense of surprise is essential.

Once we have consolidated ourselves as a brand, we can use different tools to improve the user experience and make it a memorable experience. This is done through your brand’s digital ecosystem.

Therefore, in the face of the ever-changing world we live in today, organizations must be capable of adapting quickly to new consumer trends through the use of digital tools that support us along the way.

Did you know that investment in digital interaction with customers increased revenues by 90% compared to 70% last year? Why not make your customers fans of your brand through digital channels?

Let’s talk and find out how we can make your brand memorable through our services.

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Customer Experience is a constant challenge in organizations

Did you know that 35% of people agree to stay on digital channels as long as they are faster than others? It is for this reason that most companies invest in digital interaction with their customers in order to meet the changing needs of customers and improve their capabilities.

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