Massive Marketing Campaigns
Through WhatsApp
Achieve over 25% effectiveness in your campaigns by using WhatsApp’s enriched messages
Logra más de 25% de efectividad en tus campañas usando los mensajes enriquecidos de WhatsApp.
How does it work?
We give you access to our solution approve, upload, and send mass messages to your databases
We will train you to achieve maximum effectiveness in your campaigns. You will understand how interaction with your clients works through this channel and achieve faster results in less time than via mail or SMS.

Easy to use
You don't need to implement
Once you buy one of our sending packages, you can prepare and send your messages in less than 24 hours*.
Ready to use.
Suitable for your company.
Give strength to your campaigns and achieve amazing results.
*You must have a WhatsApp account / number and Facebook Business Manager. If you don’t have it, we will guide you through the process.



Online trekking and analysis
Boost your business now
Begin with a small base and measure the results.
Access to training and successful case examples
Online reporting
Linking of business account to WhatsApp API
10,000 conversations credit with a 30 day validity
Up to two response messages to the initial message.
Book now
*Monthly prepayment / 12-month contract price
Give strength to your campaigns and achieve amazing results.
Access to training and successful case examples
Online reporting
Linking of business account to WhatsApp API
25,000 conversations credit with a 30 day validity
Includes setup of a response chatbot (Up to 3 messages)
1 Free Chat Agent License for Campaigns (Optional)
Book now
*Monthly prepayment / 12-month contract price
Use this package for campaigns, customer service, and notifications.
Month* -
API for notifications
Access to training and successful case examples
Online reporting
Linking of business account to WhatsApp API
50,000 conversations credit with a 30 day validity
Includes setup of a response chatbot (Up to 3 messages)
3 Free Chat Agent Licenses for Campaigns (Optional)
2 Integrations with CRM, ERP, or payment systems are included in Onboarding.
Book now
*Monthly prepayment / 12-month contract price
We create a customized package for you.
Month* -
API for notifications
Access to training and successful case examples
Online reporting
Linking of business account to WhatsApp API
Includes chatbot configuration
Free chat agent licenses for campaigns (optional)
Integrations with CRM, ERP or PAYMENT systems are included in Onboarding
Book now
*Monthly prepayment / 12-month contract price
Up to 1.000 free outbound conversations
Register your company and after a call we verify if your company qualifies to grant you the benefit. What we analyze here is:
- Potential effectiveness
- Potential growth through the channel.
- Size and relevance of your company in the sector

This is what our customers think
Smart Data & Automation nos ayudó a construir agentes virtuales muy confiables en muy corto tiempo. Nuestros antiguos proveedores nos abandonaron en este proceso, mientras que SDA nos acompañó en la construcción y el entrenamiento de la Inteligencia Artificial frente a nuestros clientes. Nos ahorramos cientos de miles de dólares en los últimos dos años.
Gerente de CuentaCOMDATA